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Methods for rearing larval decapod crustacea

Methoden zur Zucht larvaler decapoder Crustaceen


Es werden Methoden zur Gewinnung und Zucht von Larven decapoder Crustaceen beschrieben. Die mit Erfolg eingesetzten Zuchteinrichtungen reichen von einfachen Glasschalen bis zu Geräten mit Wasserzirkulation, Belüftung, Ultraviolettbestrahlung und Temperaturkontrolle. Wert und Verfügbarkeit verschiedener Nahrungsobjekte sowie die Bedeutung von Temperatur, Salzgehalt, Licht und Wasserqualität werden erörtert. Methoden für die Massenzucht decapoder Crustacea werden kurz beschrieben und allgemeine Richtlinien in bezug auf die Wahl der Kultivierungsmethode und die Zielsetzung der Untersuchungen diskutiert.


1. The main methods which have been used for obtaining and rearing decapod larvae are reviewed. These methods range from very simple ones involving little or no control over the environmental conditions, to quite complex techniques with control over such factors as temperature, salinity, and light.

2. The difficulties encountered in rearing decapod larvae are largely the same as those met with in rearing any other planktonic organisms. Although failure to provide suitable food is probably the most important single factor responsible for the failure of many attempts in the past, other features of the rearing conditions may also be critical. In this context the effects of temperature, salinity, light and water type on larval development are briefly discussed.

3. No single rearing technique is suitable for all species and all situations. The choice of technique in any particular case will, therefore, depend largely on the aim in view, whether it be taxonomic, physiological, behavioural or commercial.

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Rice, A.L., Williamson, D.I. Methods for rearing larval decapod crustacea. Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 20, 417–434 (1970).

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