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Die Belichtungsreaktionen sessiler Crustaceen(Balanus balanus) als Alternative zu den Schutzreaktionen bodenbewohnender mariner Wirbelloser

The light responses of sessile crustaceans(Balanus balanus) as alternative to the protective responses of bottom-dwelling marine invertebrates


Shadow responses, including reactions to both increase (“on“) and decrease (“off“) in light intensity have been hitherto described in the adults of various bottom-dwelling marine invertebrates. These reactions as expressed by decrease in activity are assumed to be protective (withdrawal responses, kinetic rigidity after v. Buddenbrock, 1952). By contrast, the free-swimming larvae of these species normally show increase in activity to both increase and decrease in light intensity as expressed by negative or positive photoresponses. In the sessile barnacleBalanus balanus L. reactions to increase in light intensity are demonstrated which, contrary to the withdrawal responses or kinetic rigidity, result in an increase of cirral activity. The shadow responses of the barnacles (“off responses“) are described as withdrawal responses. The light responses are expressed by two different modes of behaviour: (a) If an active barnacle is stimulated by increase in light intensity, the frequency of cirral activity increases; (b) if an inactive barnacle is stimulated by increase in light intensity, the cirral activity arises a short time later. The light responses observed are interpreted as a metamorphosis of larval swimming activity.

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Sommer, H.H. Die Belichtungsreaktionen sessiler Crustaceen(Balanus balanus) als Alternative zu den Schutzreaktionen bodenbewohnender mariner Wirbelloser. Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 29, 493–502 (1977).

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