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Meeresalgen von Helgoland

Marine algae of helgoland. benthic green, brown and red algae

Benthische Grün-, Braun- und Rotalgen


This report represents a photographic documentation of the more conspicuous species of the marine algal vegetation of the island Helgoland (North Sea), based on collections and observations made since 1959. The catalogue is largely restricted to macroscopic forms, as adequate knowledge of most of the microscopic ones is not yet available. Remarks on some rare species are added in a special chapter; the list includes some 150 species. With a few exceptions, the figures have been obtained from living algae; they illustrate aspects of reproduction and development and, occasionally, demonstrate different seasonal habits. The simplified key may be useful for providing a guide both for naturalists and students of marine phycology. In addition, this algal flora enhances our knowledge of the distribution of benthic species along the European coasts, as the rocky island of Helgoland intervenes between southern Norway and the shores of the English Channel.

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Kornmann, P., Sahling, P.H. Meeresalgen von Helgoland. Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 29, 1–289 (1977).

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