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Cadmium uptake by marine fish larvae

Cadmiumaufnahme von marinen Fischlarven


Eier von Hering, Flunder und Hornhecht wurden in Cadmium kontaminiertem Wasser (0,05–5,0 ppm) erbrütet und frisch geschlüpfte Larven auf ihren Gehalt an Cadmium untersucht. Der Cadmiumgehalt frisch geschlüpfter Larven war von den während der Erbrütung angewandten Konzentrationen abhängig. Kontamination von Flunder- und Heringslarven (0,7–2,3 ng Cd/0,1 mg Trockengewicht) war um zwei Zehnerpotenzen höher als der Cadmiumgehalt von Hornhechtlarven, die unter den selben Bedingungen erbrütet worden waren (0,0017–0,0185 ng Cd/0,1 mg Trokkengewicht). Der Cadmiumgehalt von Flunder- und Heringslarven stieg mit der Expositionsdauer an. Nach 8 Tagen enthielten Heringslarven 48 ng Cd/0,1 mg Trockengewicht, während in Flunderlarven nur 5,4 ng Cd/0,1 mg Trockengewicht gemessen wurden. Der Cadmiumgehalt von Hornhechtlarven und -Juvenilen, die bei 0,05 ppm Cd 34 Tage gehalten wurden, war signifikant höher als in Kontrolltieren.


  1. 1.

    Eggs of herring(Clupea harengus), flounder(Platichthys flesus), and garpike(Belone belone) were incubated in cadmium contaminated water (0.05–5.0 ppm) and newly hatched larvae analyzed for cadmium contents.

  2. 2.

    Cadmium residues in newly hatched larvae were dependent on cadmium concentrations employed during incubation.

  3. 3.

    Cadmium contents of newly hatched flounder and herring larvae (0.7–2.3 ng Cd/0.1 mg dry weight) were of two orders of magnitude higher than inBelone belone larvae incubated under the same conditions (0.0017–0.0185 ng Cd/0.1 mg dry weight).

  4. 4.

    Cadmium contents of herring and flounder larvae held in cadmium contaminated water increased with exposure time.

  5. 5.

    Cadmium contents of herring larvae exposed to cadmium contaminated water for 8 days were of one order of magnitude higher than contamination of flounder larvae kept under similar conditions (max. value for herring 48 ng Cd/0.1 mg dry weight; max value for flounder 5.4 ng Cd/0.1 mg dry weight).

  6. 6.

    Cadmium contents ofBelone belone larvae and juveniles kept at 0.05 ppm Cd for 30 days were significantly higher than cadmium contamination of control specimens.

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This study has been financially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant No. Ro 380/2).

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Dethlefsen, V., von Westernhagen, H. & Rosenthal, H. Cadmium uptake by marine fish larvae. Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 27, 396–407 (1975).

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