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Growth performance ofAlaria esculenta off helgoland


Alaria esculenta (L.) Grev. sporophytes, raised in culture and originating from the North of Iceland were immersed in the sea near Helgoland (North Sea) for the period from February to August. Notable growth of the thalli was found between February and May, when the water temperature was similar to that of their original habitat in Iceland. Less conspicuous growth but development of sporophylls took place between May and July. The temperature rose to 16.8° C during the first half of July and remained on the same level during August, when the plants deteriorated. The present experiments yield additional evidence that the regional distribution ofA. esculenta is temperature controlled.

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Munda, I.M., Lüning, K. Growth performance ofAlaria esculenta off helgoland. Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 29, 311–314 (1977).

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