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Reproduction and fecundity of the musselmytilus edulis at helgoland (North sea)


The reproductive cycle of aMytilus edulis population in the lower tidal zone at the island of Helgoland from Spring 1980 to Summer 1981 is described. In both years the spawning period extended from the end of April until the end of June at water temperatures between 6° and 14°C. The gametes were built up again in autumn and most individuals were mature in February. Sex ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1. Fecundity, egg diameter and gamete weight of this and another population in the subtidal zone were assessed and size frequency distribution of shell lengths was established. Based on data of body weight prior to spawning, the following tendencies could be outlined: animals of the intertidal population had significantly smaller eggs than those from the subtidal area. Although the soft body biomass per unit area of the subtidal population was nearly double that of the tidal, their annual egg output was nearly the same (2.3 × 109 eggs m−2). This was achieved by a smaller size at the onset of sexual maturation (18 mm instead of 30 mm shell length) and a higher egg output at comparable shell lengths in the intertidal. In both populations, large animals contributed most to gamete production, although they did not necessarily dominate in biomass.

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Sprung, M. Reproduction and fecundity of the musselmytilus edulis at helgoland (North sea). Helgolander Meeresunters 36, 243–255 (1983).

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