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Seasonal fluctuations in macrobenthic fauna of theFucus belt in kiel fjord (western baltic sea)


The macrobenthic fauna associated withFucus at a station in the Kiel Fjord was investigated from June 1978 until June 1979. The predominant group in number as well as in biomass were gammarids. They formed, together with the isopodsIdotea spp., approximately 95 % of the total average annual biomass. The total dry weight of all macrobenthic animals (excl.Littorina spp.) increased from 1.9 g per kgFucus in May to about 16 g in June–August, and dropped to 8.3 g in September. Winter average dry weight values were only about 6 % of the summer values.

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Anders, K., Möller, H. Seasonal fluctuations in macrobenthic fauna of theFucus belt in kiel fjord (western baltic sea). Helgolander Meeresunters 36, 277–283 (1983).

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