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Moult cycle and morphogenesis inHyas araneus larvae (decapoda, majidae), reared in the laboratory


Moult cycle and morphogenesis in larval instars (zoea I, zoea II, megalopa) of the spider crabHyas araneus (L.) were studied in the laboratory. Changes in the epidermis and cuticle were documented photographically at daily intervals to characterize the stages of the moult cycle. Stage A (early postmoult) is a very short period during which the larva takes up water. During late postmoult (B) and intermoult (C) the endocuticle is secreted, and there is conspicuous epidermal tissue condensation and growth. The onset of early premoult (D0) is characterized by epidermal apolysis, occurring first at the bases of the setae in the telson of zoeal instars or in the rostrum of the megalopa, respectively. Intermediate premoult (D1) is the main period of morphogenesis, in particular of setogenesis: in the setae of the zoeal telson and carapace there is invagination or (in the zoea II) degeneration of epidermal tissues. Formation of new setae in the interior of epidermal tubules was observed in zoeal maxillipeds and in the antennae of the zoea II and megalopa instars. During late premoult (Stages D2–4) part of the new cuticle is secreted, and the results of morphogenesis become clearly visible. For technical reasons (rigid exoskeleton) only a preliminary account of the moult cycle in the megalopa can be given. A time schedule is suggested for the stages of the moult cycle. It is estimated that postmoult (A–B) takes ca 9 to 15 % of total instar duration, intermoult (C) ca 22 to 37 %, and premoult (D) ca 48 to 69 %. There is an increasing trend of relative portions of time (% of total instar duration) from instar to instar in Stages A–C (mainly in the latter) and a decreasing trend in Stage D (mainly in D0 and D2–4).

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Anger, K. Moult cycle and morphogenesis inHyas araneus larvae (decapoda, majidae), reared in the laboratory. Helgolander Meeresunters 36, 285–302 (1983).

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