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Untersuchungen zum Körperbau von Meeresschwämmen. II. Das Wasserleitungssystem vonHalichondria panicea

Body structure of marine sponges. II. The water-conducting system ofHalichondria panicea


The water-conducting system ofHalichondria panicea (Pallas) shows the classical eurypylous type. The excurrent system consists of a multiple anastomosing network of channels, within which numerous flagellated chambers are embedded in such a way that their apopyles open into the excurrent canals. Each flagellated chamber communicates with the incurrent system by way of several prosopyles.

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Langenbruch, P.F. Untersuchungen zum Körperbau von Meeresschwämmen. II. Das Wasserleitungssystem vonHalichondria panicea . Helgolander Meeresunters 36, 337–346 (1983).

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