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Untersuchungen an Plattfischen und Nordseegarnelen(Crangon crangon) im Eulitoral des Wattenmeeres nach dem Übergang zum Bodenleben

Studies on flatfish and brown shrimp(Crangon crangon) from tidal flats of the Wadden Sea following their transition to a bottom-dwelling mode of life


In spring and early summer,Pleuronectes platessa, Platichthys flesus, Solea solea, andCrangon crangon transform to benthic postlarvae in the shallow water region of the North Frisian Wadden Sea (eastern North Sea). During the first weeks after metamorphosis, they remain in the puddles and drainage gulleys on the tidal flats that are exposed during low tide. Positive rheotaxis prompting the juveniles to swim against the ebb tide currents is an important mechanism for maintaining their position on the flats. When sunlight intensity increases, they continue their locomotory and feeding activity, even during daytime, in the pools still present at low tide. On warm, cloudless days, temperature levels in these pools may increase to lethal thresholds. Consequently, the animals attempt to escape from higher tidal flats near the shore through the drainage gulleys. Such migrations bring about changes in their distribution patterns. Plaice can scarcely be found in near-shore areas, and they are absent at both high and low tide. The responses observed were correlated to physical and chemical data recorded during the observation period. The ecological significance of tidal pools as habitats is discussed.

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Berghahn, R. Untersuchungen an Plattfischen und Nordseegarnelen(Crangon crangon) im Eulitoral des Wattenmeeres nach dem Übergang zum Bodenleben. Helgolander Meeresunters 36, 163–181 (1983).

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