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Evaluation of the pair-culture effect inOphryotrocha puerilis (Polychaeta: Dorvilleidae). I. Pair-culture effect and sex ratio


Pairs and larger groups of femaleOphryotrocha puerilis puerilis were formed from formerly isolated specimens. Neither the diameter of the oocytes present in the coelomic fluid nor the number of setigerous segments (ss) of the partners of a newly formed pair allow us to predict which one of the two animals will exhibit sex reversal. Amputation of the palps showed that these ventrolateral appendages of the prostomium are not responsible for the transmission of the mutual influence which is exerted during the pair-culture effect. Isolated females do not produce egg masses but keep their oocytes in the body cavity until they are eventually resorbed. The shedding of oocytes in one of the females of a newly formed pair was formerly considered to be the first step in the pair-culture effect. The present results demonstrate that egg laying in these cases is unspecific and due rather to the end of isolation than to specific interactions with the partner. In groups consisting of up to 50 animals the sex ratio oscillates around 1:1. The presence of primary males does not influence the sex ratio of adult specimens, although these males are capable of fertilizing egg masses produced by adult females. As a result, a high percentage of both young and old males are found in densely populated bowls. The significance of the pair-culture effect in natural populations is discussed in the light of these findings.

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Kegel, B., Pfannenstiel, H.D. Evaluation of the pair-culture effect inOphryotrocha puerilis (Polychaeta: Dorvilleidae). I. Pair-culture effect and sex ratio. Helgolander Meeresunters 36, 205–213 (1983).

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