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Factors affecting zooplankton feeding by the sea anemoneAiptasia pallida


Effects of various treatments on prey capture, prey ingestion and ingestion time of individualArtemia salina nauplii by the sea anemoneAiptasia pallida Verrill were studied in the laboratory. Exposure to crudeArtemia homogenate, 5 × 10−4 M reduced glutathione or 5 × 10−4 M proline significantly decreased the number ofArtemia that were captured and ingested but had no significant effect on the ingestion time of individualArtemia. Multiple captures increased the total ingestion time but decreased ingestion time per prey item. Results suggest that, under these conditions, the prey capture phase of zooplankton feeding was somewhat distinct from the ingestion phase since chemical stimuli that significantly reduced prey capture had no significant effect on ingestion time.

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Clayton, W.S. Factors affecting zooplankton feeding by the sea anemoneAiptasia pallida . Helgolander Meeresunters 40, 83–90 (1986).

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