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The ultrastructure of the midgut glands inLigia italica (Isopoda) under different nutritional conditions


After a period of food deprivation,Ligia italica were refed for 2 days with different diets and their midgut glands were examined under the electron microscope with special reference to the large cells. The predominant features are the following: extended glycogen fields after sucrose-diet; numerous lipid droplets and peroxisome-like vesicles after lipid-diet (butter); swollen mitochondria and a great number of pinocytotic vesicles after protein diet (curds); electron dense vesicles and myelin bodies after the uptake ofEscherichia coli. In contrast to amphipods, the intertidal isopodL. italica is not able to digest cellulose, as the cell ultrastructure exhibits all features of starved animals, as well as that following feeding with lignin.

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Štrus, J., Burkhardt, P. & Storch, V. The ultrastructure of the midgut glands inLigia italica (Isopoda) under different nutritional conditions. Helgolander Meeresunters 39, 367–374 (1985).

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