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Echinoids, epizootics and ecological stability in the rocky subtidal off Nova Scotia, Canada


Mass mortalities ofStrongylocentrotus droebachiensis, attributed to disease, have occurred along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia from 1980 to 1982. An amoeboid protist has been tentatively identified as the pathogenic agent. Temperature appears to play an important role in triggering epizootics and determining the extent of mortality. Epizootics have occurred in the autumn of each year during months of record high temperatures. The virtual elimination of echinoids over a large area of coast has enabled regeneration of kelp beds. Disease may play a key role in determining the structure and stability of benthic communities off Nova Scotia and elsewhere by controlling echinoid abundance.

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Scheibling, R.E. Echinoids, epizootics and ecological stability in the rocky subtidal off Nova Scotia, Canada. Helgolander Meeresunters 37, 233–242 (1984).

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