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Fortpflanzung und entwicklung vonAnemonia sulcata (Anthozoa, Actiniaria) II. Frühentwicklung, Blastula und Gastrula

Reproduction and development ofAnemonia sulcata (Anthozoa, Actiniaria). II. Early development, blastula and gastrula


Early developmental stages of theAnemonia germ are characterized by asynchronously dividing nuclei and an extreme delay of blastomere differentiation. The nuclei migrate to the periphery, whereas nutritive substances remain in the interior. Following this stage, the appearance of cell boundaries results in the formation of the blastoderm and the simultaneous division of the yolk into many fragments. Most of them are exclusively filled with reserve material; only very few contain zooxanthellae or nuclei. On the embryo's surface, conically shaped bundles of long microvilli are obvious. They appear to be less regularly arranged than the spines of oocytes before insemination. Pigment granules that have originated from fusing Golgi vesicles are crowded peripherally in the blastoderm cells. In the nucleoplasm single annulate lamellae that seem to be cut off from the nuclear envelope can frequently be found. There is no further cellular differentiation until gastrulation is completed. Though yolk-containing cellular fragments occupy nearly the whole blastocoel, entoderm formation occurs by invagination. Ultrastructural observations provide evidence of the existence of interstices between entoderm cells that allow all nutritive substances to pass gradually into the gastric cavity. In the region of the blastoporus there are cellular processes enveloping reserve material. Presumably, these observations indicate a so-called “filtration of nutritive yolk” (Korschelt & Heider, 1909) that might represent an additional mode for the transfer of yolk-containing cellular fragments from blastocoel into gastrocoel.


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Schäfer, W. Fortpflanzung und entwicklung vonAnemonia sulcata (Anthozoa, Actiniaria) II. Frühentwicklung, Blastula und Gastrula. Helgolander Meeresunters 39, 341–356 (1985).

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