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Fortpflanzung und Sexualität vonCereus pedunculatus undActinia equina (Anthozoa, Actiniaria)

Reproduction and sexuality ofCereus pedunculatus andActinia equina (Anthozoa, Actiniaria)


Sexuality and reproductive behaviour ofCereus pedunculatus (Pennant) and several forms (subspecies) ofActinia equina (L.) from populations collected along the French Atlantic Sea coast and in different habitats along the European Mediterranean coast were studied. At the stage of 96 septaeC. pedunculatus andA. e. atlantica II exhibited mature oocytes which developed parthenogenetically into larvae. The latter appeared simultaneously in the gastrocoele. AdolescentA. e. atlantica II developed very few mature oocytes and larvae. Following a sterile period, oocytes and young individuals of different age groups were present almost throughout the whole year in adult anemones.A. e. mediterranea I was dioecious and oviparous in any habitat observed. Samples of the larviparousA. e. mediterranea II (collected near Banyuls, France) exhibited male gonads exclusively and contained larvae. Spontaneous longitudinal fission was occasionally observed in adultA. e. mediterranea I and adolescentA. e. atlantica II.

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Schäfer, W. Fortpflanzung und Sexualität vonCereus pedunculatus undActinia equina (Anthozoa, Actiniaria). Helgolander Meeresunters 34, 451–461 (1981).

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