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Observations on the morphology and vegetative cell division of the diatomDonkinia recta


Wild and cultured material ofDonkinia recta (Donk.) Grun. has been examined using light microscopy, and both the structure of the living cell and its vegetative cell division are described. Unlike most naviculoid diatoms,D. recta has four chloroplasts per cell, each with four oblong pyrenoids, and division of the chloroplasts follows rather than precedes mitosis and cell division. These two unusual features are probably linked. The species is briefly discussed in relation to other naviculoid taxa in the light of these findings.

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Cox, E.J. Observations on the morphology and vegetative cell division of the diatomDonkinia recta . Helgolander Meeresunters 34, 497–506 (1981).

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