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Induction of stolon settlement in the scyphopolyps ofAurelia aurita (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa, Semaeostomeae) by glycolipids of marine bacteria


The settlement of pedal stolons of scyphopolyps ofAurelia aurita Lamarck could be induced by addition of a species of bacteria from the family Micrococcaceae. After treatment of the bacteria with several organic solvents a crude lipid extract free of bacteria could be obtained which was shown to be effective in inducing stolon settlement. Crude lipids extracted from the late logarithmic growth phase had an optimal effect on stolon attachment, in contrast to previously published experiments showing that all logarithmic phases of bacteria had the same level of effectiveness. After separation of the crude lipid extracts by thin layer chromatography and subsequent bioassay of the reeluated substances, acylgalactosidyldiglyceride and monogalactosidyldiglyceride were identified as the effective substances. Monogalactosidyldiglyceride was only found in bacteria from the medium logarithmic growth phase, whereas the former was found at all stages. The effectiveness of acylgalactosidyldiglyceride was independent of the growth phase of the extracted bacteria.

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Schmahl, G. Induction of stolon settlement in the scyphopolyps ofAurelia aurita (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa, Semaeostomeae) by glycolipids of marine bacteria. Helgolander Meeresunters 39, 117–127 (1985).

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