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Erythrotrichopeltis, eine neue Gattung der Erythropeltidaceae (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta)

Erythrotrichopeltis, a new genus of the Erythropeltidaceae (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta)


In culture experimentsErythropeltis discigera (Berth.) Schmitz andErythrotrichia discigera Berth. proved to be heteromorphous stages in the life history of the same entity, incorporated into the new genusErythrotrichopeltis. There is no obligate alternation of generations, the peltoid and the trichoid phase both propagate asexually by monospores. In addition, the trichoid phase releases spermatia in abundance, while carpogonia cannot be distinguished from vegetative cells. Thus far, the present statements are in full accordance with Berthold's observations, made at Naples more than 100 years ago, which have, however, recently been challenged. Moreover, the cultivation experiments made supplement Berthold's results as to the post fertilization process. A few days after the appearance of spermatia, peltoid plants are met with among the filamentous ones: they obviously originate from carpospores. The transition of the peltoid to the trichoid phase, at first observed accidentally in 3-month old moribund cultures, was reconstructed on more than one occasion by designed experiments. This study was started with discoid plants isolated from crude cultures of sublitoral algae from Helgoland (North Sea). NeitherErythrotrichia discigera Berth. norErythropeltis discigera (Berth.) Schmitz were ever found in the field around Helgoland. Recognized by Batters to be identical withBangia ciliaris Carmichael, the name of the typical representative of the new genus isErythrotrichopeltis ciliaris (Carm. ex Harv. in Hook.) nov. comb.

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Kornmann, P. Erythrotrichopeltis, eine neue Gattung der Erythropeltidaceae (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta). Helgolander Meeresunters 38, 207–224 (1984).

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