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Bacterially induced stolon settlement in the scyphopolyp ofAurelia aurita (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa)


Unsettled stoloniferous scyphopolyps ofAurelia aurita Lamarck were offered different substrates for settlement under defined conditions. On addition of different biogenic and abiotic substrates, a pure strain of bacteria, a species of Micrococcaceae, was observed to trigger the settlement of the stolon. The settlement reaction only takes place following direct contact with the bacteria; sterile filtrated culture medium of the same bacterial strain was not able to induce settlement. The bacteria were found to be effective on stolon settlement during the logarithmic growth phase, but not during the stationary phase.

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Schmahl, G. Bacterially induced stolon settlement in the scyphopolyp ofAurelia aurita (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa). Helgolander Meeresunters 39, 33–42 (1985).

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