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Recovery following experimental harvesting ofLaminaria longicruris andL. digitata in southwestern Nova Scotia


Laminaria population variables and understory community composition were monitored just prior to, and for two summers following, a September 1980 experimental total harvest ofL. longicruris De la Pylaie andL. digitata (L.) Lamouroux within two plots in Lobster Bay, Nova Scotia. Both plots, distinguished mainly by depth, were characterized by highLaminaria standing crop and no recent history of extensive sea urchin grazing. Within the shallower plot (2–3 m below MSL), recovery could not be assessed thoroughly due to ice damage, but within the deeper plot (3–4 m below MSL),L. longicruris regrew cropped biomass and attained maximum observed abundance within one year. BothLaminaria species required two years to mature to pre-harvest population characteristics. Survivorship of 0–1 year old and mature populations of both species was generally low (0–67 % per year); however, the higher maximum life expectancy ofL. digitata (> 4 years vs 2 years) can result in that species persisting to the disadvantage ofL. longicruris. Analysis of understory community composition for both harvested plots and their adjacent controls weakly distinguished the harvested plots one summer after harvesting from all others. It is doubtful the distinction is attributable to harvesting and in neither site was there evidence of a critical change in the understory community. Management implications for the commercial harvest of the brown algaLaminaria are discussed.

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Smith, B.D. Recovery following experimental harvesting ofLaminaria longicruris andL. digitata in southwestern Nova Scotia. Helgolander Meeresunters 39, 83–101 (1985).

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