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Morphologie und Ultrastruktur der KoralleCornularia cornucopiae (Anthozoa, Octocorallia)

Morphology and ultrastructure of the coralCornularia cornucopiae (Anthozoa, Octocorallia)


Cornularia cornucopiae is a colonial coral whose polyps arise singly from stolons. In contrast with other octocralliaC. cornucopiae lacks calcareous spicules. Therefore, tissue preparation for electron microscopic investigations can be performed. The presence of a calyx such as the theca of hydroids, in which the polyps may be completely retracted, is conspicuous. The calyx consists of three layers. The structure of the basal layer suggests massive collagen. The body wall is connected with the calyx by living desmocytes. The histology of the oral disc and the actinopharynx is identical. The ventral side of the polyps bears the siphonoglyph. Below the pharynx the inner edges of the mesenteries are free and form the mesenterial filaments. The two ventral mesenteries differ from the others; the one is long and exhibits a large and heavily flagellated filament, the other is short and lacks a filament. The muscular system is represented by gastrodermal circular fibres in the body wall and by radial and longitudinal fibres in the septa; a large septal retractor muscle is missing.

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Diese Arbeit ist unserem am 22. März 1984 verstorbenen Kollegen Herrn Dr. B. Werner (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland) gewidmet, auf dessen Initiative diese Untersuchung zurückgeht, der uns zahlreiche Besuche in seinem Labor ermöglichte und uns jederzeit mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stand.

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Benke, H., Hündgen, M. Morphologie und Ultrastruktur der KoralleCornularia cornucopiae (Anthozoa, Octocorallia). Helgolander Meeresunters 38, 149–170 (1984).

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