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Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen von Myxobakterien in von Meerwasser beeinflußten Substraten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Insel Helgoland

Investigations on the distribution of myxobacteria in substrates influenced by seawater with special reference to the island of Helgoland


Representatives of the family Myxococcaceae,Myxococcus fulvus andM. virescens as well asArchangium gephyra could be isolated from marine sediments (depth range 5–58 m), collected near the island of Helgoland (North Sea); dunes and rudiments of salt marshes additionally yieldedM. coralloides and the rare speciesMelittangium licenicola andM. boletus (Cystobacteriaceae). In soil samples from the island,M. fulvus, M. virescens, M. coralloides, A. gephyra, Cystobacter fuscus andStigmatella erecta were found. These results were confirmed by data, obtained from the coastal zone of the island of Amrum and marine sediments from various regions. On the other hand samples from shallow fresh water (depth range 0.3–1 m) proved to be richer in species. It is assumed that the myxobacteria found in marine sediments occur as resting cells.

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Rückert, G. Untersuchungen zum Vorkommen von Myxobakterien in von Meerwasser beeinflußten Substraten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Insel Helgoland. Helgolander Meeresunters 38, 179–184 (1984).

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