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Temperature responses of some North AtlanticCladophora species (Chlorophyceae) in relation to their geographic distribution


The temperature responses for growth and survival have been experimentally tested for 6 species of the green algal genusCladophora (Chlorophyceae; Cladophorales) (all isolated from Roscoff, Brittany, France, one also from Connecticut, USA), selected from 4 distribution groups, in order to determine which phase in the annual temperature regime might prevent the spread of a species beyond its present latitudinal range on the N. Atlantic coasts. For five species geographic limits could be specifically defined as due to a growth limit in the growing season or to a lethal limit in the adverse season. These species were: (1)C. coelothrix (Amphiatlantic tropical to warm temperate), with a northern boundary on the European coasts formed by a summer growth limit near the 12°C August isotherm. On the American coasts sea temperatures should allow its occurrence further north. (2)C. vagabunda (Amphiatlantic tropical to temperate), with a northern boundary formed by a summer growth limit near the 15°C August isotherm on both sides of the Atlantic. (3)C. dalmatica, as forC. vagabunda. (4)C. hutchinsiae (Mediterranean-Atlantic warm temperate), with a northern boundary formed by a summer growth limit near the 12°C August isotherm, and possibly also a winter lethal limit near the 6°C February isotherm; and a southern boundary formed by a southern lethal limit near the 26°C August isotherm. It is absent from the warm temperate American coast because its lethal limits, 5° and 30°C, are regularly reached there. (5) Preliminary data forC. rupestris (Amphiatlantic temperate), suggest the southeastern boundary on the African coast to be a summer lethal limit near the 26°C August isotherm; the southwestern boundary on the American coast lies on the 20°C August isotherm. For one species,C. albida, the experimental growth and survival range was wider than expected from its geographic distribution, and reasons to account for this are suggested.

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Cambridge, M., Breeman, A.M., van Oosterwijk, R. et al. Temperature responses of some North AtlanticCladophora species (Chlorophyceae) in relation to their geographic distribution. Helgoländer Meeresunters 38, 349–363 (1984).

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