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Fluktuationen der Fischfauna im Elbe-Ästuar als Indikator für ein gestörtes Ökosystem

Fluctuations of the ichthyo-fauna in the Elbe estuary: an indicator for a disturbed ecosystem


During 1978, 22 fish species (in particularAnguilla anguilla L.,Platichthys flesus L.,Osmerus eperlanus L.,Gasterosteus aculeatus L.,Lampetra fluviatilis L.,Alosa fallax [Lacepede],Gymnocephalus cernua L.,Clupea harengus L. andSprattus sprattus L.), sampled at the intake of the cooling system in the nuclear power plant at Brunsbüttel (Elbe estuary), were analyzed for quantities and size distribution. The data obtained were correlated to abiotic factors, such as water temperature, water outflow from the upper Elbe river, salinity and oxygen content. Spawning times and seasonal migrations of the fish species investigated corresponded to appropriate temperatures of the Elbe water. The diversity of fish species from the cooling water proved to be representative for the ichthyo-fauna of this particular estuarine area. At least 190 tons of fish per year were estimated to be annihilated by the suction of cooling water into the nuclear power plant. In spite of the progressive development of regional industries and the increasing discharges of cooling water, temperature in the estuary has remained largely unaffected up till now. The oxygen content of the heavily polluted lower Elbe river, however, has become mainly dependent on the amount of fresh water flowing from the upper Elbe river. Up to 1978, oxygen levels of 80–90 % were recorded only in the mouth of the Elbe, thus meeting the requirements for the continuous occurrence of fish species typical for this estuarine area. Varying oxygen concentrations downstream of Hamburg and at Brunsbüttel are considered to be responsible for migrations of certain fish species (mainly flounder and smelt) between the Brunsbüttel region and their habitats further upstream which were occupied before the process of industrialisation initiated. This was reflected by the size of the samples taken from various fishes. During an eventual hazard of the industrial filter plants at Brunsbüttel in May 1978 an extreme oxygen depletion occurred for nearly 2 weeks. This event coincided with the death of certain age groups of fish.

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Köhler, A. Fluktuationen der Fischfauna im Elbe-Ästuar als Indikator für ein gestörtes Ökosystem. Helgoländer Meeresunters 34, 263–285 (1981).

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