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Structure and significance of cruciate flagellar root systems in green algae: Female gametes ofBryopsis lyngbyei (Bryopsidales)


The ultrastructure of the flagellar apparatus in the biflagellate female gametes of the green algaBryopsis lyngbyei has been studied in detail. In the flagellum and basal body, microtubule septations occur in some of the B-tubules. The transition region of the flagellum is extremely long (260–290 nm), exhibits a stellate pattern in cross section but lacks the transverse diaphragm. The two basal bodies form an angle of 180° and overlap at their proximal ends. They are connected by a compound non-striated capping plate. Terminal caps associated with the capping plate partially close the proximal end of each basal body. A cruciate flagellar root system with three different types of microtubular roots is present, i. e. the flagellar apparatus does not show 180° rotational symmetry. One root type contains 2 microtubules which are connected to an elaborate cylindrical structure, presumably a mating structure. The opposite root exhibits 3 microtubules over its entire length and is not associated with a cylindrical structure. In their proximal parts both roots are linked to an underlying crescent body. The other two microtubular roots are probably identical and consist of 4 (or 5) microtubules which show configurational changes. These two identical roots insert into the capping plate and link to the inner side (i. e. the side adjacent to the other basal body) of each basal body, whereas the other two roots attach to the outer sides of each basal body. System I striated fibres are probably associated with each of the four roots, while system II fibres have not been observed. The flagellar apparatus of female gametes ofB. lyngbyei shows many unique features but in some aspects resembles that of ulvalean algae. Functional and phylogenetic aspects of cruciate flagellar root systems in green algae are discussed.

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Melkonian, M. Structure and significance of cruciate flagellar root systems in green algae: Female gametes ofBryopsis lyngbyei (Bryopsidales). Helgoländer Meeresunters 34, 355–369 (1981).

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