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Belichtungs-und Beschattungsreaktionen beiBalanus balanus

Light and shadow reactions inBalanus balanus. The dependence of response intensity on adaptation

Die Abhängigkeit der Reaktionsstärke vom Adaptationszustand


The present paper reports on the responses of the barnacleBalanus balanus L. to various light-dark cycles (30/30 min–360/360 min). As measured by cirral activity (cirrus beats per unit time), an increase of stimulus duration causes an increase of response intensity. The results obtained indicate that the previously described light and shadow reactions inB. balanus (Sommer, 1977) depend on the acclimation times of exposure to light or dark, respectively.

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Sommer, H.H. Belichtungs-und Beschattungsreaktionen beiBalanus balanus . Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 31, 298–302 (1978).

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