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In-situ investigations on small-scale local and short-term changes of sublittoral macrobenthos in Lübeck Bay (western Baltic Sea)


In-situ studies on sublittoral soft bottom macrofauna (depth: 14–16 m) employing the underwater laboratory (UWL) “Helgoland” were carried out. Sets of samples were compared for small-scale local and short-term changes in species richness, faunal abundance, numerical dominance, diversity, evenness, homogeneity, and similarity. It could be shown that minor differences in sediment quality can cause conspicuous heterogeneity within a small sampling area (diameter: ca. 100 m). Both spatfall and mortality of benthic invertebrates can change the faunal structure within a short period (two months). The degree of change varies between species and thus at stations harbouring different faunal assemblages as well.

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Rogal, U., Anger, K., Schriever, G. et al. In-situ investigations on small-scale local and short-term changes of sublittoral macrobenthos in Lübeck Bay (western Baltic Sea). Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 31, 303–313 (1978).

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