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DieBlidingia-Arten von Helgoland (Ulvales, Chlorophyta)

TheBildingia-species of Helgoland (Ulvales, Chlorophyta)


Based on field studies and cultivation, fourBlidingia-species have been established for Helgoland (North Sea). One of them, hitherto not separated fromB. minima, is regarded as beingB. chadefaudii, though differing from its original description in an important morphological feature: the inner cell wall is not considerably thickened. The species is characterized by habit, development and zonation. There is good reason for conferring toB. subsalsa the rank of an independent species, classified up to now as subspecies ofB. marginata. As shown in detail, the tubular frond ofBlidingia-species develops directly from the raising of the center of a monostromatic prostrate disc. Contrary to previous statements in the literature, a preceding distromatic stage does not occur.

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Kornmann, P., Sahling, P.H. DieBlidingia-Arten von Helgoland (Ulvales, Chlorophyta). Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 31, 391–413 (1978).

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