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Kompensation extremer Umwelteinflüsse beiBalanus balanus als Anpassung an die sessile Lebensweise

Compensation for extreme environmental conditions inBalanus balanus as adaptation to the sessile mode of life


In the sessile barnacleBalanus balanus L. the relationship between stimulus duration and reaction intensity varies considerably. Investigations on the light reactions (increased cirral activity per unit time) and shadow reactions (decreased cirral activity per unit time) showed that increase of stimulus duration at a temporal range of 1–5 min and 30–360 min causes an increased response intensity, whereas, at a range of 5–30 min, the response intensity decreases. Two adaptive systems are assumed to be responsible for this behaviour. The peculiarities of the light and shadow reactions are interpreted as a result of interactions of central and peripheral components, but the unusual relationship between stimulus duration and reaction intensity is probably based on a greater influence of central components. The biological significance of the light and shadow reactions is discussed in relation to the larval and adult life: By means of the central variation of stimulus threshold in the described protective shadow responsesB. balanus seems to compensate for extreme environmental conditions. The light responses observed in the adults are considered as resulting from metamorphosis of larval swimming activity.

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Sommer, H.H. Kompensation extremer Umwelteinflüsse beiBalanus balanus als Anpassung an die sessile Lebensweise. Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 32, 200–212 (1979).

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