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Chromatophorenanordnungen in emersen Thalli vonFucus vesiculosus unter verschiedenen Lichtbedingungen

Chromatophore arrangements in exposed thalli ofFucus vesiculosus under different light conditions


The effects of light and darkness on chromatophore arrangements inFucus vesiculosus thalli exposed to air with one side (half dry) or with both sides (dry) were investigated. Low-intensity arrangement, high-intensity arrangement and dark arrangement were induced in submerged thalli. Then the thalli were exposed to air while light conditions were either kept constant or were changed. Independently of the light conditions, in all thalli exposed to air the chromatophores arranged more or less in the inner area of the cells, in epidermal cells as well as in cortical cells. Thus the chromatophore arrangements observed in submerged thalli differ in some respect from those exposed to low-tide conditions. Based on these observations the physiological and ecological role of chromatophore displacements in seaweeds is discussed.

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Nultsch, W., Rüffer, U. & Pfau, J. Chromatophorenanordnungen in emersen Thalli vonFucus vesiculosus unter verschiedenen Lichtbedingungen. Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 32, 228–238 (1979).

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