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Interspecific interaction: The analysis of complex structures in carnivorous zooplankton populations


Linear unidirectional dependence of one population upon another is rather atypical among zooplankton species, as carnivory is not only characteristic of high trophic levels but also part of omnivory in many species of copepods. The feeding on its predatorjuveniles may be important for the survival of a copepod population, more in regard to the impact on the predator than to the nutritional benefit obtained. Such complex interrelationships are important for predictive ecosystem models. Ctenophore-copepod interrelationships have been analysed in experiments, and the results produced have been used for constructing simulation models. Details of experimentation and of modelling are described and discussed.

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Greve, W. Interspecific interaction: The analysis of complex structures in carnivorous zooplankton populations. Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 30, 83–91 (1977).

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