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Intertidal ecosystems of the seas of the USSR


Composition and distribution of intertidal ecosystem of rocky and unconsolidated facies were quantitatively studied from 1951 to 1975 in about 40 regions of the White, Barents, Bering, Okchotsk and Japan Seas. According to the degree of similarity (or to the degree of relationship), the investigated intertidal communities can be divided into the following 4 groups: (1) Uniform communities with identical forms as dominant species. A series of uniform communities constitutes a single association. (2) Parallel or vicarious communities with closely related vicarious forms as dominant species. A series of parallel communities constitutes a single formation. (3) Convergent or isomorphic communities with dominant species of the same, although not closely related life forms. A series of convergent communities constitutes a single formation type, or biome. (4) Anisomorphic, yet functionally analogous communities. Parallel communities ofFucus disticbus (northern Atlantic Ocean) andF. evanescens (northern Pacific Ocean), and uniform communities ofF. evanescens from various biogeographic provinces (southern Kuriles and eastern Kamchatka) are used for demonstrating the structure of intertidal biocenoses. In parallel communities, vicarious species are shown to dominate in number of species and, especially, in biomass. In uniform communities, common species are found to be leading forms.

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Kussakin, O.G. Intertidal ecosystems of the seas of the USSR. Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 30, 243–262 (1977).

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