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Initial phases in reef development, studied at artificial reef types off Eilat, (Red Sea)


The initial steps in the formation of a coral reef (as distincr from the enlarging of an already existing reef) have been observed at block moles off Eilat (Red Sea). Within a period of 11 years, thus far four phases can be distinguished: (1) start-phase: rapid and homogeneous colonization by fouling organisms, still indeterminant for the final reef development; (2) preparation-phase: settling of shells, calcareous red algae and foraminiferans not affected by grazing animals which largely consume the initial settlers and subsequently attaching larvae; (3) phase of pioneer frame-building: growth of scleractinians and hydrocorals, settled on the remains of rock-attached shells or on other places inaccessible to grazers; secondary frame-builders (e.g.Tridacna) grow in their shelter; (4) phase of frame-binding: dead coral colonies are overgrown by calcareous foraminiferans, algae and bryozoans consolidating the coralline structures by their deposits. Living corals are successively colonized by a specific community (mainly decapods and molluscs); among these, borers are the earliest settlers. Upon death of the coral, there is a complete change in associated organisms forming a less specific but more diverse community.

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Schuhmacher, H. Initial phases in reef development, studied at artificial reef types off Eilat, (Red Sea). Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 30, 400–411 (1977).

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