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  • Coral-Reef Ecosystems
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Community structure, social organization and ecological requirements of coral reef fish (Pomacentridae)


In the Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea), 25 species of damselfish (Pomacentridae) which form typical interspecific communities were studied. Several species are typical for different depth zones, others are “ubiquitous”. Damselfish are variously specialized in feeding (herbivore, omnivore, plankton-carnivore); habitat (bottom-dwelling, midwater); home-and-shelter site (selective or unselective). Environmental factors and social structures were found to be interlinked. Species with the same social structure are similarly specialized ecologically. A hypothetical flow diagram shows the effects of abiotic and biotic factors on group size, available food, and social structure. Damselfish are extremely flexible to environmental change, showing intraspecific modification of group structure, feeding habits, reproductive strategy etc. Experimental results suggest a strong selection against “redundant” males. This research is considered a pilot study for future field work, aimed at a prediction of environmental influences on behaviour.

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Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bad Godesberg, and the Max-Planck-Institut für Verhaltensphysiologie, Seewiesen.

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Fricke, H.W. Community structure, social organization and ecological requirements of coral reef fish (Pomacentridae). Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 30, 412–426 (1977).

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