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A seasonal carbon budget for a laminarian population in a Scottish sea-loch


Employing in situ SCUBA methods a seasonal carbon budget has been established for aLaminaria saccharina population in a Scottish sea-loch. Concurrent studies of photosynthesis, secretion rates, reserve fluctuations and frond growth were undertaken. Net annual production is in excess of 120 g C m−2 yr−1. Over 13% of gross carbon input is released as extracellular secretions (over 30% in autumn) and 40–50% is lost by distal decay, entering detrital food chains. The large concentrations of laminarin, synthesised in summer months, are nearly all lost in autumn-winter distal tissue loss and therefore not available for early spring growth.

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Johnston, C.S., Jones, R.G. & Hunt, R.D. A seasonal carbon budget for a laminarian population in a Scottish sea-loch. Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 30, 527–545 (1977).

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