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Faunenverarmung in einem Schlickgebiet in der Nähe Helgolands

Faunal impoverishment in a mud area near Helgoland


Variations in abundance and species composition of macro-zoobenthos were studied at a sublittoral muddy-bottom station in the inner part of the German Bight from 1969 to 1976. The fauna of this area can be included in the classicalAbra alba community. A total of 98 species were found in 62 samples. Of these, only 4 species occurred in all samples:Nucula nitidosa, Diastylic rathkei, Ophiura texturata andNephtys hombergii. Species richness has declined since 1969. Populations of several species disappeared in the investigated area and its surroundings. Other populations are shown to exhibit remarkable fluctuations in abundance with sometimes heavy spatfalls or sudden breakdowns in population density, mainly during late summer. The long-term trend of impoverishment of the fauna is attributed to the development of anaerobic conditions in the muddy sediment. Such conditions are favoured by stable, thermohaline strafications of the water during summer, resulting in low oxygen levels and, probably, enrichment of hydrogen sulfide even in near-bottom water. Moreover, both continuou influx into the area of Elbe water, rich in suspended matter and nutrients and dumping of sewage sludge about 8 km east of the investigated area are considered to have increased the strees on the bottom fauna.

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Rachor, E. Faunenverarmung in einem Schlickgebiet in der Nähe Helgolands. Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 30, 633–651 (1977).

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