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International Helgoland Symposium “Ecosystem research”: Summary, conclusions and closing


This final contribution to the International Helgoland Symposium 1976 summarizes important information presented during the meeting, discusses some concepts and principles of ecosystem research, draws a few conclusions and offers some theories and speculations. It is suggested that, in the future, more attention be payed to: the role of microorganisms for overall system dynamics and for providing trophic and biochemical linkages; behaviour as a regulating factor, especially at higher trophic levels; development of new techniques for operating experimental ecosystems; and critical application of mathematical models. Various functional states of ecosystems are considered in some detail, as are the foodweb concept and system integration. The forces which could contribute to ecosystem integration appear to include non-genetic nutritional adaptation, non-genetic behavioural adaptation, social dynamics and biochemical interactions.

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Kinne, O. International Helgoland Symposium “Ecosystem research”: Summary, conclusions and closing. Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 30, 709–727 (1977).

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