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Zur Morphologie und Ökologie vonPolydora ciliata undP. ligni (Polychaeta, Spionidae)

Contribution to the morphology and ecology ofPolydora ciliata andP. ligni (Polychaeta, Spionidae)


The polychaete wormsPolydora ciliata andP. ligni were investigated with regard to the morphology of their fifth chaetigerous segment, bearing bundles of modified bristles in a special arrangement. The development of these chaetae from late larval to adult stages is described, considering the loss of provisional bristles, the variation of shape caused by the wear and the shedding of old chaetae after losing their function. In addition an epidemic shell disease of the mussel,Mytilus edulis, induced by infestation withP. ciliata is reported.P. ligni was observed to regularly inhabit the inflorescenses of the eelgrass,Zostera marina. The relationships between this plant andP. ligni are discussed.

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Michaelis, H. Zur Morphologie und Ökologie vonPolydora ciliata undP. ligni (Polychaeta, Spionidae). Helgolander Wiss. Meeresunters 31, 102–116 (1978).

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