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Der Lebenszyklus vonPorphyrostromium obscurum (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta)

The life cycle ofPorphyrostromium obscurum (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta)


Studies on the sexuality and the heteromorphous life cycle ofErythrotrichia ciliaris provided decisive criteria for the establishment of the genusErythrotrichopeltis (Kornmann, 1984). This genus was transferred by Wynne (1986) toPorphyrostromium Trevisan 1848. In the present studyErythrotrichia obscura, the original species of Berthold's (1882) classical observations on the sexuality of this genus, is incorporated toPorphyrostromium. Previously regarded as synonyms,Porphyrostromium ciliare (Carm. ex Harv.) Wynne andP. obscurum (Berth.) nov. comb. proved to be distinct species, differing both in the filamentous and in the peltoid phases of their life cycle. The relationship betweenP. ciliare andP. boryanum (Montagne) Trevisan, type species of the genus, may only be elucidated by future investigations on the basis of field collected material.


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Kornmann, P. Der Lebenszyklus vonPorphyrostromium obscurum (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta). Helgolander Meeresunters 41, 127–137 (1987).

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