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Macrobenthic turnover in the subtidal Wadden Sea: The Norderaue revisited after 60 years


The benthic macrofauna of a tidal inlet in the northern Wadden Sea was sampled with grab and dredge in 1924–1926 (Hagmeier & Kändler, 1927), and again in 1985 and 1986. The comparison of surveys from consecutive years, as well as observations from an adjacent area, are employed to separate spurious from real long-term changes. Several epibenthic species of the 1920s became rare or absent in the 1980s. Oyster beds and reefs of the colonial polychaeteSabellaria spinulosa have disappeared completely. On the other hand, mussel beds have extended their range, and the abundance of mobile infauna has increased. The total number of species has remained approximately the same. Compared to surveys from consecutive years, the 60-year interval has doubled the species turnover rate, and has decreased the similarity in relative abundances by one third. The observed losses are best explained by the impact of dredging and trawling on the benthic fauna, while gains seem to indicate coastal eutrophication.

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Reise, K., Schubert, A. Macrobenthic turnover in the subtidal Wadden Sea: The Norderaue revisited after 60 years. Helgolander Meeresunters 41, 69–82 (1987).

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