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Numerical taxonomy of bacterial communities associated with a subantarctic mussel bed


A large mussel bed occurs in one of the largest fjords in Kerguelen archipelago. In January 1986, seawater and bivalves were collected at four tidal levels to determine whether a specific heterotrophic bacterial community could be observed in the mussels, especially in the stomach and in the fecal pellets, and to compare these microflora to seawater bacterial communities. The investigation was carried out using morphological and biochemical tests. Test results were analysed by a numerical taxonomic method. Almost all the heterotrophic mesophile isolates, grown on Zobell medium, were non-fermentative Gram-negative rods. The bacterial communities in the mussel fecal pellets were clearly different from the other communities studied. This specific bacterial microflora was characterized by the existence of Vibrionaceae.

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Bouvy, M., Delille, D. Numerical taxonomy of bacterial communities associated with a subantarctic mussel bed. Helgolander Meeresunters 41, 415–424 (1987).

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