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Lead and cadmium contents in selected macrofauna species from the Dogger Bank and the eastern north Sea


Lead and cadmium concentrations were measured in the polychaetesNephtys hombergi andN. caeca, in the sea-urchinEchinocardium cordatum, and in the bivalveVenus striatula obtained from the Dogger Bank and the eastern North Sea. The cadmium concentrations determined in all four species from these areas were relatively equal, except for an increase in concentration found in those species from the northeastern part of the Dogger Bank. A lower lead content was generally observed in the individuals taken from the German Bight than in those from the Dogger Bank, especially from its northeastern part. In the case of lead, it is possible to divide the southern North Sea into three regions according to the different concentration levels by statistical treatment: the less contaminated German Bight, the more contaminated central Dogger Bank and the highly affected northeastern Dogger Bank. The results obtained contradict the prevailing opinion that offshore invertebrate populations are, in comparison to individuals from coastal regions, less affected by contaminants such as heavy metals.

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Kröncke, I. Lead and cadmium contents in selected macrofauna species from the Dogger Bank and the eastern north Sea. Helgolander Meeresunters 41, 465–475 (1987).

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