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The macrofauna and macroflora associated withLaminaria digitata andL. hyperborea at the island of Helgoland (German Bight, North Sea)


This paper describes the macroflora and macrofauna associated with two bull kelp species,Laminaria hyperborea andL. digitata, at the island of Helgoland, North Sea. During a study period of seven months (March–September 1987), 29 macroflora species and 125 macrofauna species were found. The dominant taxonomic groups were Polychaeta (25 species), Bryozoa (17), Amphipoda (14), Hydrozoa (10) and Ascidiae (8). The species maximum was in July. In general,L. hyperborea was preferred as a substrate for settlement toL. digitata. Composition of the communities associated with kelp changed during the season according to exposure to wave action, and according to location on the kelp thallus. The rhizoid community of both kelps bore more species at exposed locations. Wave-exposedL. digitata lacked obvious faunal settlement on both phylloid and cauloid. Phylloid and cauloid ofL. hyperborea were chosen as an attractive substrate at both sheltered and wave-exposed locations, showing an association of encrusting bryozoan and hydrozoan colonies.

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Schultze, K., Janke, K., Krüß, A. et al. The macrofauna and macroflora associated withLaminaria digitata andL. hyperborea at the island of Helgoland (German Bight, North Sea). Helgolander Meeresunters 44, 39–51 (1990).

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