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A planimetric study of the mean epithelial thickness (MET) of the molluscan digestive gland over the tidal cycle and under environmental stress conditions


Thinning of the digestive epithelium of marine molluscs may provide an index of environmental stress. Variability in epithelial thickness, as a consequence of the large variety of environmental and populational variables which could affect MET (Mean Epithelial Thickness), may counter the value of the index. Variation in MET of the intertidal gastropodLittorina littorea (L.) has been studied under experimental tidal conditions and, based on published data, under natural tidal conditions in the bivalvesMercenaria mercenaria (L.) andMytilus edulis L. using a planimetric method. We found no significant variation in MET in all cases. The present results are discussed in relation to those obtained withL. littorea experimentally exposed to Cd and which show a significant reduction in MET after long sublethal exposure periods.

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Marigómez, J.A., Sáez, V., Cajaraville, M.P. et al. A planimetric study of the mean epithelial thickness (MET) of the molluscan digestive gland over the tidal cycle and under environmental stress conditions. Helgolander Meeresunters 44, 81–94 (1990).

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