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Heat production inLittorina saxatilis Olivi andLittorina neritoides L. (gastropoda: Prosobranchia) during an experimental exposure to air


The adaptation of littorinid molluscs to prolonged aerial exposure was investigated by the determination of heat production.Littorina saxatilis, inhabiting the upper eulittoral, reached a maximum metabolic activity during submersion (heat production: 3.26×10−3J s−1 (gadw)−1. On the first three days of desiccation, the heat production was continuously reduced to 40% of the submersed value. A prolonged aerial exposure was lethal for this species. In the supralittoralL. neritoides, three stages of energy metabolism could be observed: An intermediate heat production during submersion (1.97×10−3Js−1 (gadw)−1), an increased metabolism during the first hour of aerial exposure (heat production 204% of submersed value), and a minimal metabolism (39% of the submersed value and 19% of maximum value) during the following days and weeks of desiccation. Recovery depended on water salinity;L. saxatilis proved to be less euryhaline thanL. neritoides. Thus, the metabolic adaptations correlate with the level of littoral habitat; inactivity combined with a drastically reduced energy consumption is a metabolically economic way to survive in periodically dry environments.

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Kronberg, I. Heat production inLittorina saxatilis Olivi andLittorina neritoides L. (gastropoda: Prosobranchia) during an experimental exposure to air. Helgolander Meeresunters 44, 125–134 (1990).

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