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Spermatogenesis and sperm ultrastructure in the polychaete genusOphryotrocha (Dorvilleidae)


The details of spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis are described forOphryotrocha puerilis. The ultrastructure of mature sperm is shown forO. puerilis, O. hartmanni, O. gracilis, O. diadema, O. labronica, andO. notoglandulata. Clusters of sixteen cells each are proliferated by two stem cells in each setigerous segment ofO. puerilis representing the very early stages of both oogenesis and spermatogenesis. In each spermatocyte-I cluster, the cells are interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges. Early, clusters are enveloped by peritoneal sheath cells. These transient gonad walls break down prior to meiosis. The meiotic processes may start in the clusters with the cells still interconnected, or during breakdown of the original cluster, giving rise to smaller subclusters of both spermatocytes I and spermatocytes II with various numbers of cells. Finally, spermatid tetrads are present. As spermiogenesis progresses, the tetrads disintegrate. Golgi vesicles in both spermatocytes and spermatids contain electron-dense material, presumably preacrosomal. The acrosome is formed by such vesicles. In the six species studied here, the acrosomes appear to be of a similar overall structure but are of different shape. Centrioles are usually located beneath the acrosome. The distal centriole forms the basal body of a flagellum-like cytoplasmic process. The microtubules of these flagellar equivalents do not show a normal ciliar arrangement. The flagellar equivalent appears to be non-motile. InO. hartmanni and inO. notoglandulata, a flagellar equivalent is missing. Microtubules originating from the proximal end of the distal centriole stretch to the nuclear envelope. This feature appears to be especially conspicuous inO. puerilis and inO. labronica. InO. labronica and inO. notoglandulata, bundles of microtubules paralleling the cell perimeter appear to stabilise the sperm. Various numbers of mitochondria are either randomly distributed around the nucleus or accumulate on one side, often directly under the acrosome.

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Pfannenstiel, HD., Grünig, C. Spermatogenesis and sperm ultrastructure in the polychaete genusOphryotrocha (Dorvilleidae). Helgolander Meeresunters 44, 159–171 (1990).

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