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Some aspects of the biology and ecology ofKnipowitschia caucasica (Teleostei: Gobiidae) in the Evros Delta (North Aegean Sea)


Some aspects of the biology and ecology of the gobyKnipowitschia caucasica were studied over a period of 13 months in a poly-to euhaline area in the Evros Delta (North Aegean Sea). This fish grows rapidly in the summer and autumn after hatching, matures after its first winter, breeds from the end of April to the end of July, and grows rapidly again in July–September. The older males perish after their second February, whereas some females have a second breeding season at the end of April/beginning of May, shortly before their death. The fish grows to about 40 mm in total length. There is a positive correlation between the total length (TL) and the standard length (SL) or the cleaned body weight (CW). SL increases slower than TL, whereas CW increases slower than TL in immature individuals and faster in males and females. There is no difference between immature individuals, males and females, in the growth rate of SL, TL and CW, TL. The mean monthly values of the condition factor varies from 0.289 to 0.576 in females and from 0.313 to 0.548 in males. The overall sex ratio of females to males is 1: 1.46. Fecundity ranges from 60 to 217 eggs with a mean value of 109.8 and depends upon size, whereas relative fecundity varies between 968 and 2170 with a mean of 1558. The fish feeds predominantly on benthic amphipods and polychaetes.

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Kevrekidis, T., Kokkinakis, A.K. & Koukouras, A. Some aspects of the biology and ecology ofKnipowitschia caucasica (Teleostei: Gobiidae) in the Evros Delta (North Aegean Sea). Helgolander Meeresunters 44, 173–187 (1990).

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