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Influence of organic matter and climatic factors on the harpacticoid copepod (Crustacea) population from the well sorted fine sands of Banyuls Bay


The authors investigated the development of the harpacticoid copepod population in relation to the variations in organic matter and meteorology. Sediment sampling was performed over a 2-year period in the shallow waters (3 m deep) of Banyuls Bay (Western Mediterranean). Each year presents two distinct periods: winter to early spring, and from late spring until fall. During the first period of the annual cycle, the organic carbon and nitrogen cycles are fairly dissociated; the quantity of copepods appears to be dependent upon the climatic and physical conditions. During the second period, the climatic conditions are very similar from year to year, without heavy rains or strong storms, and the values observed both for the organic matter and the copepod population are also similar. The hypothesis is proposed that organic matter can be considered a limiting factor to population increase.

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Bodiou, J.Y., Delille, D. & de Morais, L.T. Influence of organic matter and climatic factors on the harpacticoid copepod (Crustacea) population from the well sorted fine sands of Banyuls Bay. Helgolander Meeresunters 44, 265–274 (1990).

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