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Thermal ecotypes of amphi-Atlantic algae. II. Cold-temperate species (Furcellaria lumbricalis andPolyides rotundus)


Two species of cold-temperate algae from the North Atlantic Ocean,Polyides rotundus andFurcellaria lumbricalis, were tested for growth and survival over a temperature range of −5 to 30 °C. In comparisons of eastern and western isolates, bothF. lumbricalis, a North Atlantic endemic, andP. rotundus, a species having related populations in the North Pacific, were quite homogeneous.F. lumbricalis tolerated −5 to 25°C and grew well from 0 to 25°C, with optimal growth at 10–15 °C.P. rotundus tolerated −5 to 27°C, grew well from 5 to 25°C, and had a broad optimal range of 10–25°C. Both species tolerated 3 months in darkness at 0°C. In neither case could any geographic boundary be explained in terms of lethal seasonal temperatures, suggesting that these species are restricted in distribution by strict thermal and/or daylength requirements for reproduction. The hypothesis that northern species are more homogeneous than southern taxa in terms of thermal tolerance was supported. A second hypothesis, that disjunct cold-temperate species should be more variable than pan-Arctic species, was not supported.

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Novaczek, I., Breeman, A.M. Thermal ecotypes of amphi-Atlantic algae. II. Cold-temperate species (Furcellaria lumbricalis andPolyides rotundus). Helgolander Meeresunters 44, 475–485 (1990).

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